No/Good Place
Neon Installation (created in collaboration with Mike Rossi under the name 'Unconscious Collective') / 2014
Installation View / Beams Festival, Chippendale /2014
Installation View / Beams Festival, Chippendale /2014
Installation View / Beams Festival, Chippendale /2014
No/Good Place is an illuminated, typographic word play between Utopia and Dystopia.
Despite being diabolically opposed concepts, utopian and dystopian elements can exist simultaneously in the same space, making a utopian or dystopian outlook largely dependant on the perception and experience of the individual. For some citizens, Australia is a place of freedom, opportunity and egalitarianism, while for others it is a place of oppression, disadvantage and struggle. One person’s paradise can be another’s hell. Hence, No/Good Place suggests that the distance between Utopia and Dystopia may not be so great.
No/Good Place was first exhibited as part of the 2014 Beams Festival in Chippendale, Sydney.