Installation / 2020
Banner / 2020
Installation View / 2020
Installation View at Tortuga Studios /2020
Installation View / 2020
Installation View / 2020
Installation View / 2020
Window Installation / Banner
I was invited recently by Tortuga studios to create a work in response to our current climate that was to be displayed in a window facing the Princes Highway, Sydney.
Graffitied across a construction site: “Go home you yellow dog” .
Yelled at a woman in a car, “Go back to where you came from, you dirty cunt, you dirty monkey”.
“You fucking Chinese, you bring the virus over”, slurred to a woman on the train.
Spat on, pushed, punched. These are just a handful of racist incidents from the hundreds reported that have happened in Australia since the outbreak of COVID-19. It is without doubt that hundreds more go unreported.
As an Australian of Chinese background I am aware that Asians, especially women, are often perceived as meek, an easy target because they don’t fight back. This work is in reaction to the current rise of racism and a way to fight back. It is also made in solidarity with all current movements against racism both in Australia and abroad.